The Details on the Whole Halibut Event at Effing Seafoods Market

Here are some details:
Once fish arrives your order will be processed, we will give you a quick call to confirm weight.
There is a limited amount of Whole Halibuts available so it will be determined on a first come first serve basis.
There will be fish between 10-20lbs and some between 20-40lbs. Let us know what range you would like yours to be in!
The great thing is we do all the hard work for you!
We will fillet and pack the fish to your desired parameters. Your options will include:
- All Fresh Fillets, All Frozen or Mixed
- Steaks- whole or partial (tail end)
- Fillets – Skin on or Skin off
- Vac Packed in weights of: singles (5-7oz), Couples (10-12oz) or family (20-22oz)
- Bones for stock
- Collars (vac packed)
Unfortunately, they come without head so we cannot offer any cheeks.
All fillets are labelled and individually Vac Packed.
Please note: We are selling only whole fish for this event and are a minimum between 10-20lbs. If that sounds like too much, a great idea is to split a fish with a friend or 2!
Price for this package will be $19.99/lb. This will be determined once we find out the Market Value, and will get in touch with you with final price to make sure it still works for you. Deposit will hold your fish until we confirm final prices with you. .
We have done this in the past with huge success, this has become a very popular event, so we suggest to make sure your deposit is paid in order to hold your fish, as there will be a limited supply. We have had lots of return customers and positive feedback from past events.
Pickup will be set for a Thursday or Friday between 10-5pm at Effing Seafoods Market on Riel.
Deposit required to hold a Halibut.
To pay deposit for Whole Halibut please visit:
To fill out form for desired parameters follow link below:
Thank you and see you soon,
Effing Rob.